If you submit a claim for damages to your insurer, or the insurer of the person who you claim is responsible for your injury, the insurer will carefully review your policy to determine if you are actually covered. This is one task that cannot be delegated to a machine, and is still performed by a human being. To date, no automated computer program is able to find the answers.
The Business Dictionary defines Professional liability as the “Legal obligations arising out of a professional’s errors, negligent acts, or omissions during the course of the practice of his or her craft.” Professional liability cases are filed against all types of professionals including:
In order for plaintiffs to prevail on a professional malpractice claim, the plaintiff must prove by a preponderance of the evidence that the professional acted below the standard of other professionals who are in the same field and who provide the same or similar services.
Any professional who provides services to others needs to have professional liability insurance. We can review your financial situation, the nature of your professional practice, and other relevant information and advise you on the proper amount of professional liability insurance you should be carrying.
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